A: Apparently on a ‘recovery tour’ that only requires two wheels and a great sense of adventure!
Come along as Marty shares “turn by turn” and “stop by stop” what it’s like to ride your motorcycle along the Natchez Trace Parkway for the first time…
…in the Winter, no less!
According to Marty:
It was a thrilling feeling getting on the Natchez Trace as it has been one of my 500 things to do before I die for quite a while.
Read Marty’s entire trip report written (and photographed) at various points along the Natchez Trace Parkway.
This motorcyclist’s road trip review covers the part of the Natchez Trace which begins in Nashville, Tennessee and ends at the Tennessee/Alabama state line. Check out Marty’s review from the Tennessee/Alabama state line to Tupelo, Mississippi here.