Wondering what you’ll find if you get off at the Highway 46 Exit on the Natchez Trace Parkway? Start here.
Following are some of the gas stations, convenience stores and restaurants that you’ll find if you exit the Trace at milemarker 429 and turn left (west) or right (east) onto Highway 46.
Gas Stations at the Highway 46 Exit
Leiper’s Fork Market
4348 Old Hillsboro Road
Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee
Directions: Turn right off exit onto Pinewood Road.
Turn Left onto Old Hillsboro Road/46 (it’s Leiper’s Creek Road going the other way) and head East into Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee.
Immediately on the left you will see Leiper’s Fork Market.
This is 7/10ths of a mile from the Natchez Trace Parkway exit.
One mile farther is the entrance to the historic village of Leipers Fork, Tennessee.
Note: It’s another 5 miles East on 46/Old Hillsboro Road until you reach Highway 96. Turn right there to head into the historic village of Franklin, Tennessee which is just 4 miles down the road.
Puckett’s Grocery
4142 Old Hillsboro Road
Franklin, Tennessee
Directions: Turn right off exit onto Pinewood Road.
Turn Left onto Old Hillsboro Road/Highway 46, heading East.
1.6 miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway exit.
Puckett’s is located in the heart of the Leiper’s Creek village.
Want to get a better feel for what Puckett’s is like? Check out the Puckett’s Grocery myspace page!
Restaurants at the Highway 46 Exit
Backyard Cafe
4150 Old Hillsboro Road
Franklin, Tennessee
Directions: Turn right off exit onto Pinewood Road.
Turn Left onto Hillsboro Road/Highway 46, heading East.
1.62 miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway exit.
Puckett’s Grocery
4142 Old Hillsboro Road
Franklin, Tennessee
Directions: Turn right off exit onto Pinewood Road.
Turn Left onto Old Hillsboro Road/Highway 46, heading East.
1.6 miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway exit.
Puckett’s is located in the heart of the Leiper’s Creek village!
Read more about Puckett’s Grocery and its unique characteristics.
Country Boy Restaurant
4141 Hillsboro Road
Franklin, TN
Directions:Turn right off exit onto Pinewood Road.
Turn Left onto Hillsboro Road/Highway 46, heading East.
1.66 miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway exit
Stores at the Highway 46 Exit
You’ll find stores galore at this exit! (mostly antique and knick-knack shops). Just turn right off the exit onto Pinewood Road. Then turn Left onto Old Hillsboro Road/46 (it’s Leiper’s Creek Road going the other way) and head East into Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee.