Well, here’s something you don’t see every day…
Yep, on the Natchez Trace Parkway you can be one with nature, wildlife, and cows!
These cows were grazing within a few feet of the Parkway itself.
They had obviously escaped from some nearby fenced-in farmland.
Lots of us drivers were slowing down, in fear that they were going to cross the road.
The overly prepared one that I am, I had the Natchez Trace Parkway Emergency number (800) 300-7275 programmed into my cellphone (for those times when I’m out cycling on the Trace), so I phoned in this non-emergency emergency.
Them: Natchez Trace Parkway. What is your emergency.
Me: Well, I’m not sure if this is an emergency or not, but there are 4 cows grazing on the Parkway.
Them: Where?
Me: Between milemarker 414 and the bridge/overpass.
Them: Dang. That’s the same place we were called about yesterday. Thank you.
Just another interesting Sunday afternoon on the Natchez Trace Parkway. You never know what you’ll see next!…