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I don't know much about turkeys, but I'd say it's baby turkey season here in Tennessee! These past 2 weeks, I've been seeing LOTS of little tiny wobbly-legged birds playing follow-the-leader along the side of the Natchez Trace Parkway. It's soooo cute!

If you're not from around here, then you might be wondering if ticks are a problem. Ticks are definitely something you should take into consideration when hiking around the Natchez Trace Parkway.

My all-time favorite part about the Garrison Creek area on the Natchez Trace Parkway is the creekside picnic benches, horse corrals or posts, and a shallow creek that's fun for kids -- and dogs -- to play in on a hot summer day!

These cows were grazing within a few feet of the Parkway itself. They had obviously escaped from some nearby fenced-in farmland.

See what it's like to ride a motorcycle on the Natchez Trace Parkway. These people have been there, done that!

When you're on the Natchez Trace Parkway, the mile posts which appear at each and every mile of roadway play a very important role in your journey. They indicate how far you've gone, how far you have left to go, and how much longer until you would find gas, food or lodging -- if you needed it.

Around here, we refer to wild turkeys as Tennessee yard birds. And it is practically guaranteed that every time you take a drive in the country, you will see a Tennessee turkey. Usually more than one. Here's proof...

This will give you some idea of what you can expect to see as you drive along the Natchez Trace... particularly along the northernmost portion through Tennessee.

Tennessee colors compared one Saturday afternoon, and the following Sunday morning... what a difference a day makes when the colors are at their peak!