Pete asked a lot of good questions about what to expect when you’re biking from one end of the Natchez Trace Parkway to the other.
Thanks to WeathermanTim for answering the wind & weather questions. Now, I’ll try my hand at the rest…
I figure lots of long-distance cyclists will have the same questions about biking from end to end on the Trace, so I’ve decided to make it an article.
For starters, when planning your route, I’d first check with the National Park Service which maintains a list of the best bicycling info specifically for the Natchez Trace Parkway, including Camping info, Public Transportation, nearby places that provide Bicycle Services, locations for Supplies & Food, as well as Ranger Offices and Drinking Water Locations.
Their Bicycle Services List features bike shops near the Trace. You might want contact them for specific answers to your questions.
You’ll find the NPS phone number to ask them questions directly. Plus, they’ll even send you a complete packet of all this info… and more!
As for ways to get you and your bike from Nashville back to Tupelo, I’d ask around at local bike shops (.pdf), check with the Natchez Trace Parkway biking folks, and ask questions in some biking forums.
A good one to consider:
For more about public transportation, check out this public transportation info for the Nashville area.
And here’s the Nashville bus route info, specifically.
Greyhound bus may also be an option. Or Nashville Taxi & Limo services.
Other than that, there are a couple more tips for out-of-town cyclists planning to ride the Natchez Trace Parkway here.
As for books, check out this review of the book “Bicycling The Natchez Trace”. It’s one of the most detailed books for those who are planning to bike the Natchez Trace Parkway from end to end.
In my opinion, trip highlights from others who’ve been there done that will inevitably contain some details & answers for many questions a first-timer might have.
I would try to touch base with some of these bicyclists who’ve biked the entire length of the Natchez Trace Parkway: