Pictures Along The ParkwayTravel

Fall Colors Along The Natchez Trace Parkway

The colorful trees along the Natchez Trace make a great backdrop for a family photo. Because of the time of year, there were lots of leaf-peepers on the Parkway on this day, and most had a camera in hand!If you haven’t already taken that annual photo of the family, and you live anywhere near Nashville Tennessee, then you might want to zip out to the Natchez Trace Parkway for some of the most beautiful colors around.

The bridge itself is always a thrill to see.

It’s one of life’s simple pleasures…

A common sight on this beautiful Fall day... leaf peepers walking on the awesome Natchez Trace Bridge. It's slightly weird to ride your bike or walk along this bridge, because the sides are relatively low, and the bridge itself is relatively high.
The Natchez Trace Bridge over highway 96 in Franklin.

Welcome To The Natchez Trace

Natchez Trace sign a the entrance sign the  parkway.

There are 2 spots where you can view this particular “official” Natchez Trace State Park sign.

One is at the northernmost entrance, soon after you enter the Parkway and head south.

Natchez Trace Bridge near the pull-off at the parkway entrance off Hwy 96, near the main entrance sign.

The other is off of Highway 96, immediately after you turn onto the Parkway right next to the Natchez Trace bridge seen here:

Some of the most colorful goldenrod and red colored leaves spotted on this particular afternoon on the Natchez Trace in November.

You should know that the best time to shoot outdoor photos is somewhere between 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. — depending on the time of the year.

The Natchez Trace Parkway with peak colors during the Fall.

The point is to take advantage of the softer sun and unique shadows which result during the late morning and late afternoon hours.

Because, when the sun blaring and directly overhead, your photos will appear more washed out and the colors will be less vibrant.

The Natchez Trace was a sea of colors AND cars on this beautiful Fall afternoon... here's a long row of cars parked at a pull-off along the Parkway.

Everyone Who Was Anyone Was There!

Bicycling the Natchez Trace.

There were a lot of bicyclists on the Trace enjoying the beautiful colors today.

This is probably one of the last “warm” days to enjoy biking in Nashville without wearing lots of heavy gear.

RVing along the Natchez Trace Parkway.

The Natchez Trace Parkway is an RVer’s delight… the speed limit is low (50mph the entire way, except for 40mph as you near Nashville).

There is very little traffic, and it’s a great leisurely drive.

Photographing dogs amidst the beautiful Fall colors seen on the Natchez Trace.

Even dog-owners were photographing their pets in front of nature’s beautiful backdrop today!

Nature’s Beauty…

Colorful fall leaves on the Natchez Trace Parkway.

This year appears to be a particularly colorful Fall along the Natchez Trace.

Another leisurely driver enjoying the beautiful fall colors along the Natchez Trace Parkway.

I did, however, notice that the colors became less vibrant the farther south you traveled on the Parkway.

Big orange tree with big orange leaves.

Big trees with colorful orange leaves — surrounded by a sea of fallen leaves — were a familiar site on the Natchez Trace today.

The Long & Winding Road

Autumn colors along the Natchez Trace Parkway.

According to the National Park Service, the Natchez Trace Parkway is one of America’s 75 National Scenic Byways and one of “21 All-American Roads”.

One of the smaller bridges along the Natchez Trace Parkway.

The big double-arch bridge at the Hwy 96 entrance to the Trace isn’t the ONLY bridge you’ll see along the way.

The Parkway itself is filled with twists and turns, and dozens of smaller bridges that you cross along the way.

A sign that Autumn's end is near... these trees are largely bare... though still standing proud amidst thousands of bigger trees with fuller leaves along the Natchez Trace Parkway.




Visit Before It’s Too Late…

Biking on the Natchez Trace in November when the fall colors are at their peak in Nashville. You can actually see the leaves falling in the path of this bicyclist.

To enjoy the technicolor woodlands of Tennessee at their brightest, you should visit within the next week.

Normally, peak colors are viewed in late October around here each year.

This year, early November seems to be the rule, largely due to lack of rain late in the summer.

See what a difference a day makes