For some reason, there have been quite a few people searching for the Judds’ family farm here on this site.
I’m not sure what the correlation is… except maybe people have heard that they live near the Natchez Trace Parkway.
And I have to admit, every time I’m on the Trace, I can’t help but glance over at The Judd’s family farm.

You can actually get a great look at both, Naomi Judd and Ashley Judd’s homes from the Natchez Trace Parkway — near Garrison Road in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee.
We pass by these modest mansions a lot — as we’re traveling between Leiper’s Fork and Franklin.
All together, The Judds own a whole bunch of acres around these parts.
It’s no secret that the Judd ladies live there. In fact, The Judds are often seen in and around town (Franklin & Cool Springs mostly). And they are also quite active in the community — both Leiper’s Fork and Franklin.
For the most part, I think everyone respects their privacy. But whenever I’ve seen them at a public event, they always seem more than willing to sign autographs — especially Wynonna. We happen to see Naomi out & about the most in Nashville.
The Judds’ Houses In Nashville
This is Naomi’s huge farm. The home is gorgeous, as is the farm:

Ashley Judd’s house is right next to Naomi’s.
This is Ashley’s place, as viewed from the Natchez Trace Parkway:

Wynonna’s home is a bit further on down the road and not viewable from the Natchez Trace Parkway itself.
She always has the exterior decorated really nice with beautiful Fall colors around Halloween.
This is Wynonna’s house:

Here’s a video that gives you a behind-the-scenes tour of Naomi Judd’s 1000-acre family farm in Nashville, Tennessee.
Naomi called it ‘Peaceful Valley’:
I don’t have the actual addresses or any other information about The Judds’ houses or their family farm.
I simply think their homes and the surrounding property are just beautiful, and I can’t help but look every time we drive by.